Work with Me

My current offerings include 1 on 1 individual exploratory sessions, group courses & pre-recorded online courses.

Are you ready to dive in?


1 on 1 Sessions

If you're ready to go deep and explore areas in personalized sessions such as Light Language, activations and writings, guided meditations & visualizations, and clairvoyant readings; as well as mentorship, counseling inner child work & shadow work.

You can book a 15-minute discovery call to see if working together will be a good fit.


Group Courses

Group courses are a wonderful way to connect with like-minded individuals and learn more deeply about yourself along the way. I am currently opening up spots for a New Moon Group, Full Moon Group & Inner Child Group. If you are interested in learning more & joining one or more of these groups, please email me about joining.


Online Courses

If you love learning at your own pace in an online format, I will soon have various online courses for you to explore through Teachable. Stay tuned for upcoming courses!

”I had the good fortune of being referred to Sue by a friend. My therapy with sue brought me back in touch with the deepest parts of myself, parts that had been cut off over the years because they held so much pain. Sue taught me with patience yet firmness how to welcome my inner child back to me and to nurture and care for her, to give her what she needed most my unconditional love and acceptance. This is a gift that I will be forever grateful to sue for giving me. I also love doing moon cycle work with sue. She brings a knowing and wisdom to the natural rhythms of the moon that help to guide me on my journey through life. I am so grateful that she was brought into my life.”

~ Perri, NJ

The wound is the place where the Light enters you.
